WorkSpaces Manager runs within a client’s own VPC in AWS. As seen in the image below, the elements that can be used for the global setup are as follows:

1) WorkSpaces Appliance (based on Windows Server 2019)
2) MS-SQL Database (can run on the same Windows Instance or on RDS)
3) Active Directory (it can be on-prem or AWS Managed, but it needs connectivity)
4) CloudWatch Events and Log Access Groups
5) AWS Cost-Optimizer (with IAM access to the S3 bucket where the data is stored)
6) WorkSpaces and/or AppStream
8) SMTP Relay (to make use of Password reminders, sending of reports, auto-delete functions and general notifications)
9) API to check license and version
10) External Providers Integration (nothing exists by default but can be added)

SMTP Relay is used to send emails to users, and this is part of the setup
• External Providers can be discussed with the Development Team, for example, ServiceNow


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